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Rummy is a card game that is played with two decks of cards wit

The Objective Of Rummy

The objective of rummy card game is to arrange the 13 cards in valid sets and sequences. To win the game you need to make minimum 2 sequences, out of which one needs to be pure sequence and rest can be any valid sequence or sets. Without a pure sequence you cannot make a valid rummy declaration. This is one of the most important rummy rules.

How to Form Sequences?

In rummy, a sequence is a group of three or more consecutive cards of the same suit. There are two types of sequences that are formed; a pure sequence and an impure sequence. To win the game of rummy you need at least one pure sequence in your rummy hand.

Pure Sequence

A pure sequence is a group of three or more cards of the same suit, placed in consecutive order. To form a pure sequence in rummy card game, a player cannot use any Joker or wild card.
Here are a few examples of pure sequence.

Impure Sequence
How to Form Sets?

A set is a group of three or more cards of the same value but of different suits. When you are forming sets, you can use wild card and Jokers.

Examples of sets

Note: The set is formed with same card of different suits. However, you can't use two or more cards of the same suit. This is taken as an invalid declaration. Also, note that a set can have more than four cards. So, if you have a set of four cards and you are using an additional Joker, then in total it becomes a 5 cards group and still be a valid set. At no given time, the hand can have more than 13 cards.

Examples of invalid set
  • Q Q Q (There are two Qs of the same suit making it an invalid set.)
  • 7 7 7 7 Q (It has two 7 spades of the same suit. The wild card Q as the fifth card is valid but having two 7 is making it invalid.)
How To Play Rummy Card Game?

Follow this simple rummy rules and instructions to know how to play the game from start to end:

Quick Tips To Win The Rummy Card Game

Just as it's important to know the rummy rules, it is also necessary to play carefully and with focus. Here are quick tips to win the rummy game and stay a step ahead of your competitors.

Common Terms Used In Rummy Rules

Here are some common terms of Rummy Go that every player needs to know before he starts playing.

What is a Rummy Table?

It is the table where the game of rummy is played. Every rummy table can sit two to six players for each game.

What is Joker and Wild Cards?

In each rummy deck there is a Printed Joker and there is a Wild Card that is selected at random at the beginning of the game. The role of both these types of card is the same. Jokers are used to form sets and impure sequences. A Joker card can replace the desired number when forming the groups. This is a valid formation in a rummy game.

What is Draw and Discard?

In all Rummy games, each player is dealt 13 cards. Additionally, there are 2 stacks from which each player can select cards, thereby drawing a card. Once a player draws a card, he has to get rid of one card - this is called discarding.

What is Sorting of Cards?

Sorting of cards are done at the beginning of the game. This is done to arrange your cards to help you form your sets and sequences reducing the probability of mixing the cards. Once, the cards are displayed, you can hit the Sort button and start playing.

What is a Drop?

When a player decides to leave the game table at the start or middle of the rummy game, it is a drop. The act is withdrawing from the game as a personal decision. The first drop=20 points; middle drop= 40 points and last drop and maximum point loss is 80 points.

In case of Pool rummy, if a player drops in 101 pool, the score is 20. In case, it is 201 pool rummy, the drop score is 25. In a game, where it is best of 2 and best of 3 is played, then a drop is not allowed.

What is an Invalid Declaration?

An invalid declaration happens in rummy card game when the player presses the Declaration button, but the cards are not in valid sequences and sets. Therefore, the player will lose the game and the competitor will automatically be declared as the winner.

Here are few examples of common invalid declarations players make while playing rummy:

Useful Chart - How To Play & Rummy Guidelines For Valid Rummy Declaration:
Handy Directions to Follow While Declaring With 13 Cards:
(Can make to fulfill minimum 2 sequence requirement)
(Can make to complete 13 Cards valid grouping)
Made with 3 or More CardsMade with 3 or More CardsMade with 3 or 4 Cards without Joker.
Made with 3, 4 or More Cards with Joker.
Cards of SAME SUIT in SEQUENTIAL ORDERCards of SAME SUIT in SEQUENTIAL ORDER with Wild Card Joker or Printed JokerCards of SAME VALUE & DIFFERENT SUIT (2 Cards of same color but different suit can be used Ex - 5 5 5).
Useful Chart - How To Play & Rummy Guidelines For Valid Rummy Declaration:
How The Points Are Calculated As Per Indian Rummy Rules?

Let us look how points calculation is done, when you are playing online rummy card game.

High value cards Ace, King, Queen, JackAll carry 10 points each
Joker and Wild CardsZero points
Other cardsHave point value same as their face value
Example: 8, 9 10 8 points, 9 points, 10 points
Losing Player Points
If the player doesn't have 2 sequences including a pure sequenceValue of all cards is added, capped at 80 points
If the player has formed 2 sequences including pure sequenceValue of cards that are not in sequence are calculated
Wrong Declaration80 points
First Drop20 points
Middle Drop40 points
3 Consecutive MissesConsidered as middle drop with 40 points loss
Leave TableIf player leaves table after picking from closed deck, it is considered middle drop. If the player hasn't picked any card, it is taken as first drop.
Examples of Points Calculation With Winning Amount

Example: Table of 6 Players (Wild Joker Q)

PlayerHand FormedPoints Calculated
Player 12 3 4 | 5 6 Q | 8 8 5 | 2 2 | K QThe player has 2 sequences 1 pure and 1 impure. So, only the points of unmatched cards will be counted = 45
Player 24 4 4| 4 5 Q | 3 7 8 | Q K | 10 9The player has not formed 2 sequences, including the pure sequence. Hence, points of all cards will be calculated =68
Player 33 4 5 | 5 6 7 Q | 8 5 | 2 2 2 | KThe player has 2 sequences, 1 pure and 1 impure. It also has 1 set formed. The points will be calculated only for the ungrouped cards = 23
Player 4A 4 5 | 5 6 10 J | 8 5 | 2 2 Q | KFirst Drop with a loss of 20 points
Player 54 4 4| 4 5 Q | A 7 8 | Q K | J 93 consecutive misses= 40 points
Player 62 3 4 | 5 6 7 Q | 5 5 5 | 2 2 2WINNER

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